Reading Room update – Erhard, Kananov, and Katz

It has been a long time since we have done an official update to the Reading Room, so we hope that you enjoy what we now have on offer.

First, you will find copies of the dissertations of two Munich phenomenologists:

Hermann Erhard, Die Psychologie als angelbliche Grundlage von Geschichte und Sozialökonomik (1908)

Paul Kananov, Ueber das Gefühl der Tätigkeit (1910)

Second, we have:

Alexander Pfänder, Zur Psychologie der Gesinnungen, Zweiter Artikel (1916)

And third, we have the dissertations of two of Husserl’s early students in Göttingen:

Erich Heinrich, Untersuchungen zur Lehre vom Begriff (1910)

David Katz, Experimentelle Beitrage zur Psychologie des Vergleichs im Gebiete des Zeitsinns (1906)

Happy researching, and check back with us often!

Reading Room update – Schapp, Driesch, and Salmon

Now in the Reading Room you will find Wilhelm Schapp’s dissertation Beiträge zur Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung (1910), Hans Driesch’s essay Die Phänomenologie und ihre Vieldeutigkeit (1931), and Christopher Verney Salmon’s “The Starting Point of Husserl’s Phenomenology,” from the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol. 30, (1929 – 1930), pp. 55-78.
We hope that you find these items useful for your research.

In addition, we would also like to share with you the Lebenslauf of Else Voigtländer, from her 1910 dissertation, Uber die Typen des Selbstgefuhls.  Below is a rough translation of the text, and an image of the original.

I, Else Voigtländer, was born in Kreuznach on the Nahe on 14 April, 1882 – the daughter of publisher and book dealer R. Voigtländer.  After my parents moved to Leipzig, I attended the private school for girls of Mathilde Büttner in Leipzig-Gohlis from the fall of 1888 to the fall of 1895, and then that of Marie Bauer in Leipzig from the fall of 1895 to Easter 1898.  From Easter 1899 to the fall of 1903, I attended high school courses for women in Leipzig, and in the fall of 1903 I received my diploma from the Neustädter Gymnasium in Dresden.  After I had busied myself with learning several sciences in Leipzig, I turned to the study of psychology and philosophy.  From Easter 1905 I studied in Munich, especially under the direction of Professor Lipps and later under that of Professor Pfänder.  On 19 November 1909, I had my oral examination in Munich.

Voigtlaender Lebenslauf

Wilhelm Schapp – Lebenslauf

Soon we will be adding Wilhelm Schapp’s dissertation, Beiträge zur Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung (1910), to our Reading Room.  However, I noticed that in the reprint edition Schapp’s Lebenslauf has been omitted from the back matter.  [The date of his oral exam, 16 June, 1909, is also omitted from the front matter.]  Luckily, I have found a copy of the original publication, and have decided to translate the Lebenslauf for everyone to enjoy. An image of the original is also attached.

Schapp writes as follows:

I, Wilhelm Albert Johann Schapp, was born on October 15th,  1884, in Timmel, East Frisia.  I attended high school first in Leer and later in Wilhemshaven.  During Easter of 1902 I entered the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, where I remained for three semesters.  Here, alongside lectures on law and national economics, I heard the lectures of Professors Rickert and Cohn.  Then I went to Berlin where, alongside lectures on law and economics, I attended the lectures of Professors Dilthey, Stumpf and Simmel.  In October 1904 I passed the first bar exam at the Kammergericht in Berlin.  As a visiting student I
attended the lectures of Professors Husserl, G.E. Müller and Cohn in Göttingen for about five semesters, and also took part in their seminars.  After that I went to Munich as a visiting student for two semesters, where I attended the lectures of Privatdozents Geiger and Scheler, and participated in the seminars of Professors Lipps and Pfänder.
I wish to express my most sincere thanks to all of my distinguished teachers, but especially Professor Husserl, to whom I am indebted for his generous and enduring support, and under whose influence all my philosophical thinking stands.

W Schapp Lebenslauf

Reading Room Update – Lipps-Festschrift

In this update, we are sharing with you the Festschrift for Theodor Lipps in celebration of his 60th birthday: Münchener Philosophische Abhandlungen. Theodor Lipps zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von früheren Schülern, Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1911 (commonly referred to as simply Lipps-Festschrift).  Some of the essays from the Lipps-Festschrift were already available in the Reading Room, but now we have the complete collection.

Alexander PfänderVorwort, pp.iii-iv

Ernst von AsterNeukantianismus und Hegelianismus, pp.1-2

Alfred BrunswigDie Frage nach dem Grunde des sittlichen Sollens, pp. 26-50

Theodor ConradÜber Wahrnehmung und Vorstellung, pp.51-76

Max EttlingerZur Entwicklung der Raumanschauung bei Mensch und Tier, pp.77-99

Aloys FischerÄsthetik und Kunstwissenschaft, pp.100-124

Moritz GeigerDas Bewusstsein von Gefühlen, pp.125-162

Alexander PfänderMotive und Motivation, pp.163-195

Adolf ReinachZur Theorie des negativen Urteils, pp.196-254

Otto SelzExistenz als Gegenstandsbestimmtheit, pp.255-293

Else VoigtländerÜber die Bedeutung Freuds für die Psychologie, pp.294-316

Johannes Daubert had started to write an essay to be included in this volume, but was unable to finish it before the volume was published. For some insight into Daubert’s unfinished essay, see Karl Schuhmann and Barry Smith, “Against Idealism: Johannes Daubert vs. Husserl’s Ideas I and Karl Schuhmann, “Johannes Dauberts Kritik der ‘Theorie des negativen Urteils’ von Adolf Reinach,” in Speech Act and Sachverhalt (1987), pp.227-238.

Reading Room Update – This and that

Below is a list (and a few comments on) of the latest additions to our Reading Room.  Most of these items are quite small, but are either interesting or obscure enough to warrant posting.  In this post you will find the (near) complete bibliographic information data for many of these pieces, whereas in the Reading Room the link will not include these.
I have also not included links to the articles in this post.  If you would like to view them, please go to the Reading Room.  If you find that any of the links are broken, please let us know.

Emmanuel Levinas – “Revues Critiques – Phenomenologie,” Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger (1937), pp.258-263

  • Herein, Levinas offers brief reviews of three books: Hans Reiner, Das Phänomen des Glaubens (1934); Arnold Metzger, Phänomenologie und Metaphysik (1933); and Friedrich Weidauer, Kritik der Tranzendentalphänomenologie Husserls, Erster Theil (1933).

Jean Hering – “De Max Scheler à Hans Reiner,” Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses (1925), pp.152-164

Jean Hering – “Bulletin de philosophie phénoménologique,” Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses 30 (1950), pp. 51-55

Jean Hering – “La phénoménologie d’Edmund Husserl il y a trente ans souvenirs et reflexions d’un étudiant de 1909,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1:2 (1939), pp.366-373

Jean Hering – “La représentation et le rêve,” Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 27 (1947), pp. 193–206

Jean Hering – “Das Problem des Seins bei Hedwig Conrad-Martius,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 13:3 (1959), pp. 463-469

Edith SteinBeitrage zur philosophischen Begrundung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften (1922) [selections; p.1-207]

  • Note that this is not the complete piece from the Jahrbuch.  I was only able to obtain part of the work.

Dietrich Mahnke – (Review) “W. Dilthey, Gesammelte Schriften VII. Bd.: Der Aufbau der geschichtlichen Welt in den Geisteswissenschaften, Hrsg. von Bernhard Groethuysen,” Deutzsche Litteraturzeitung 44 (1927), pp. 2143-2151

Paul Ferdinand Linke – “Das Recht der Phänomenologie,” Kant-Studien 21 (1917), pp.163-221

Alexander Pfänder – (Review) “Th. Celms, Die Phänomenologische Idealismus Husserls, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 43 (1929), pp.2048-2050.

Fritz Weinmann Zur Struktur der Melodie (1903).

  • Weinmann was one of the participants in the “Munich invasion” of Göttingen, along with Johannes Daubert, Adolf Reinach and Alfred Schwenninger.  This is his dissertation, which was written under Theodor Lipps.

Alfred von Sybel – “Zu Schelers Ethik,” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (1925), pp.216-232.

Maximilian Beck – “Die Neue Problemlage der Erkenntnistheorie,” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 6 (1928), pp.611-639

Franz Josef Brecht – (Review) “A. Pfänder, Logik,” Kant-Studien 38 (1933), p.223

Gustav Shpet – “Consciousness and its Owner,” From the participants in G.I. Chelpanov’s seminars in Kiev and Moscow 1891-1916: Articles on Philosophy and Psychology (1916), pp.115-210.

  • This piece (uploaded here in the original Russian) is not included in Thomas Nemeth’s translation of Shpet’s Appearance and Sense (1914/1991), but he informs us that an English translation of this essay is in the works!

Reading Room Update – selections from the Jahrbuch

Along with Husserl’s Ideen I, the first volume of the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung (1913) also contains Alexander Pfänder’s Zur Psychologie der Gesinnungen, Erster Artikel.  In the ‘Translator’s Introduction’ to Phenomenology of Willing and Motivation, Herbert Spiegelberg remarks that the ‘Psychology of Sentiments’ is easily Pfänder’s “richest phenomenological case study, which I nominate as the next candidate for a complete translation.”  Sadly, it has never been translated into English.

Next we have posted Moritz Geiger’s Fragment ueber den Begriff des Unbewussten und die psychische Realität from JPPF IV (1921).  This brings the total number of pieces by Geiger in our reading room up to 4.  From the same issue of the Jahrbuch, we have also included Jean Hering’s  Bemerkungen ueber das Wesen, die Wesenheit und die Idee, and Roman Ingarden’s Ueber die Gefahr einer Petitio Principii in der Erkenntnistheorie.  Together with his dissertation, Intuition und Intellekt bei Henri Bergson,published in JPPF V (1922), these are the first posts in our Reading Room by Ingarden.  Though Husserl famously stated “We are the true Bergsonians” at a meeting of the Göttingen Circle, you will find little mention of the connection between Bergson and the early phenomenologists in Bergson and Phenomenology, ed. Michael Kelly (2010).

Finally, I have included Alexandre Koyré’s essay Bemerkungen zu den Zenoischen Paradoxen from JPPF V (1922). This article stems from research on Cantor’s set theory and Russell’s paradox which Koyré had submitted to Husserl and David Hilbert as a draft-dissertation in 1912.  (The draft was, however, rejected.)  Both the Hering article and this piece by Koyré have been more recently reproduced in Anthologie der realistischen Phänomenologie, ed. Josef Seifert and Cheikh Mbacké Gueye (2009).

Along with the piece on Zeno’s Paradoxes, I have added two other short pieces by Koyré, both in English.  First is a translation of his essay ‘Réflexions sur le mensonge,’ published as The Political Function of the Modern Lie in the Contemporary Jewish Record VIII (1945).  Second is Koyré’s wonderful Introduction to Descartes Philosophical Writings, ed. G.E. Anscombe and Peter Geach (1950).

We hope that you put these materials to good use!

From the Schuhmann Files – Alexander Pfänder Psychologische Vorträge (1895-1900)

Now in the Reading Room you can find a series of lectures which Alexander Pfänder presented to the Psychological Association in Munich between 1895 and 1899, and an additional lecture given in completion of his Habilitation.  These 7 lectures have been edited with an introduction by Karl Schuhmann.

The text, Alexander Pfänder Psychologische Vorträge (1895-1900), is organized as follows:

Einleitung des Herausgebers, s.1-3
Empfindung und Bewusstseinsinhalte als Gegenstand der Psychologie (29/V/1895), s.4-18
Theorie der Gefühle (16/XI/1895), s.19-28
Wollen und Überlegung (WS 1896/97), s.29-39
Zur Theorie der Aufmerksamkeit (12/XI/1897), s.40-51
Das Beachten (08/VII/1898), s.52-64
Wollen und Befriedigung (WS 1898/99), s.65-77
Das Bewusstsein und seine Inhalte (1899/1900), s.78-90

From the Schuhmann Files – Exzerpt aus Daubertania A I 3

Now in our Reading Room, you will find a copy of Karl Schuhmann‘s transcription of a number of pages from Daubertania A I 3 – Mappe zur Phänomenologie der Evidenz.  This signature contains the notes for an essay Zur Phänomenologie der Evidenz which was to appear in the Festschrift for Alexander Pfänder‘s 60th birthday, along with a number of other excerpts (on each of Edmund Husserl, Aron Gurwitsch, Roman Ingarden, Theodor Celms, Aurel Kolnai, and Philipp Schwarz).

Included here are selections by Daubert on Husserl.  The ordering of the passages here does not match the order of the pages found in A I 3.

For more on this, see Karl Schuhmann and Barry Smith’s article, Against Idealism: Johannes Daubert vs. Husserl’s Ideas I.

CFP – Describing and Exploring Early Phenomenology, NASEP 2013

The North American Society for Early Phenomenology announces their 2nd Annual Conference, Describing and Exploring Early Phenomenology, to be held at King’s University College, Western University, 12-14 June, 2013.

Keynote Speaker: Lester Embree

NASEP invites all scholars to submit abstracts on any aspect of early phenomenology. This includes all philosophical investigations into the members of the Munich and Göttingen circles, their place within the early period of phenomenology (roughly 1900-1939), their relationship to other philosophers, and their contributions to the development of early phenomenology.  The aim of this conference is to investigate the works of early phenomenologists across a broad range of topics, including ethics, mathematics, logic, aesthetics, politics, epistemology, ontology, psychology, etc.  Figures covered include, but are not limited to: Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, Moritz Geiger, Alexander Pfänder, Adolf Reinach, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Conrad, Johannes Daubert, Dietrich Mahnke, Hans Lipps, Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Wilhelm Schapp, Edith Stein, Alexandre Koyré, Jean Hering, Winthrop Bell, Maximilian Beck, Roman Ingarden, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Fritz Kaufmann, Theodor Celms, Aron Gurwitsch, Gustav Shpet, Gerda Walther, Wolfgang Köhler, Dorion Cairns, and Eugen Fink.  We also welcome papers on the relationship between early phenomenology and the School of Brentano, Hermann Lotze, Theodor Lipps, the American Pragmatists, and the Neo-Kantians.

Senior researchers and graduate students both are welcome to submit proposals. Graduate students should indicate their status in the email with their submission. Abstracts should be prepared for blind review, and should not exceed 300 words.

Deadline for submissions: March 1st, 2013.

Please send submissions and inquiries to:
Dr. Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray

Downloadable/printable PDF poster for distributing, click here:  NASEP2013CFP