CFP – NASEP 2014, Boston College

We are very pleased to announce the next annual conference of the North American Society for Early Phenomenology, titled:

Early Influences of Phenomenology: Neo-Kantianism, American Pragmatism, Experimental Psychology, et al.

Location: Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA

Dates: April 4-6, 2014

Invited Speakers:

Daniel Dahlstrom (Boston University)
Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)
Ullrich Melle (Husserl Archives, KU Leuven)
Andrea Staiti (Boston College)
Fiorenza Toccafondi (University of Parma)
Dan Zahavi (Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen)

Call for abstracts

The purpose of this conference is to expound upon the historical and philosophical relationships between early phenomenology and its contemporaneous philosophical movements, particularly Neo-Kantianism, American Pragmatism, Experimental Psychology, Lebensphilosophie, British Idealism, and French Spiritualism.  Papers should focus on reviving the philosophical dialogue between specific figures by drawing concrete historical connections.  This will help to give a better picture of the influences that early phenomenology drew upon, and the influence it had on philosophers outside the phenomenological movement.  We encourage papers that focus on the relationships between members of the Göttingen and Munich phenomenological circles, including Husserl, and thinkers such as Hermann Lotze, Paul Natorp, Heinrich Rickert, Wilhelm Windelband, Nicolai Hartmann, Joseph Geyser, Emil Lask, Georgii Chelpanov, Boris Jakovenko, Nikolai Lossky, Leon Brunschvicg, Henri Bergson, Victor Delbos, Georges Gurvitch, Charles Serrus, Maurice Pradines, Paul F. Linke, Theodor Lipps, Oswald Külpe, August Messer, David Katz, Johannes Volkelt, Wilhelm Dilthey, Bernard Groethuysen, Georg Misch, Bernard Bosanquet, George Dawes Hicks, WR Boyce Gibson, Josiah Royce, William James, Charles Sanders Peirce, William Ernest Hocking, Sidney Hook, and Ralph Barton Perry.

Abstracts should be 500-700 words.  Please append a short bibliography of primary and secondary sources.  All abstracts must be prepared for blind review and sent via email in .doc or .docx format to Dr. Rodney K.B. Parker (

Both senior researchers and graduate students are encouraged to submit.

Please note that NASEP is not able to subsidize travel and accommodation costs for presenters.

Deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2013.

This event is sponsored in part by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada

A .pdf of the CFP can be found here.  Please distribute widely.

Reading Room Update – Conrad, Schwenninger, and a few odds and ends

Now that the end of the Winter Semester is near, it’s time to make the shift from teaching to research.  We have added a few new items to the Reading Room to help with this transition.

First we have the front matter to the 1909 Russian translation of Husserl’s Logical Investigations, which includes an introduction by Semyon L. Frank.  You will also notice from the table of contents that only the ‘Prolegomena’ was published in this volume.

Next we have Bernard Bosanquet’s review of the first volume of the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Phänomenologische Forschung, published in Mind in 1914.

After that, you might want to check out Boris Jakovenko’s essay “Kritische Bemerkungen ueber die Phaenomenologie,” from Der Russische Gedanke (1930).

You will also find a copy of Paul Ferdinand Linke’s essay, “Die Minderwertigkeit der Erfahrung der Theorie der Erkenntnis,” Kant-studien 23 (1919).

Alfred Schwenninger’s dissertation, Der Sympathiebegriff bei David Hume: Eine Darstellung und Kritik (1908)

We have also posted a copy of Alfred von Sybel’s review of Brentano’s Wahrheit und Evidenz from Theologische Literaturzeitung, 1931.

And finally, you will find a pdf of Theodor Conrad’s dissertation Definition und Forschungsgehalt der Aesthetik (1909).  We apologize that some of these images are rather poor quality.  If someone has a better pdf of this book, please send it to us.

We hope that you can put these items to good use, so please head to the Reading Room and take a look at them!

Reading Room Update – This and that

Below is a list (and a few comments on) of the latest additions to our Reading Room.  Most of these items are quite small, but are either interesting or obscure enough to warrant posting.  In this post you will find the (near) complete bibliographic information data for many of these pieces, whereas in the Reading Room the link will not include these.
I have also not included links to the articles in this post.  If you would like to view them, please go to the Reading Room.  If you find that any of the links are broken, please let us know.

Emmanuel Levinas – “Revues Critiques – Phenomenologie,” Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger (1937), pp.258-263

  • Herein, Levinas offers brief reviews of three books: Hans Reiner, Das Phänomen des Glaubens (1934); Arnold Metzger, Phänomenologie und Metaphysik (1933); and Friedrich Weidauer, Kritik der Tranzendentalphänomenologie Husserls, Erster Theil (1933).

Jean Hering – “De Max Scheler à Hans Reiner,” Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses (1925), pp.152-164

Jean Hering – “Bulletin de philosophie phénoménologique,” Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses 30 (1950), pp. 51-55

Jean Hering – “La phénoménologie d’Edmund Husserl il y a trente ans souvenirs et reflexions d’un étudiant de 1909,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1:2 (1939), pp.366-373

Jean Hering – “La représentation et le rêve,” Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 27 (1947), pp. 193–206

Jean Hering – “Das Problem des Seins bei Hedwig Conrad-Martius,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 13:3 (1959), pp. 463-469

Edith SteinBeitrage zur philosophischen Begrundung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften (1922) [selections; p.1-207]

  • Note that this is not the complete piece from the Jahrbuch.  I was only able to obtain part of the work.

Dietrich Mahnke – (Review) “W. Dilthey, Gesammelte Schriften VII. Bd.: Der Aufbau der geschichtlichen Welt in den Geisteswissenschaften, Hrsg. von Bernhard Groethuysen,” Deutzsche Litteraturzeitung 44 (1927), pp. 2143-2151

Paul Ferdinand Linke – “Das Recht der Phänomenologie,” Kant-Studien 21 (1917), pp.163-221

Alexander Pfänder – (Review) “Th. Celms, Die Phänomenologische Idealismus Husserls, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 43 (1929), pp.2048-2050.

Fritz Weinmann Zur Struktur der Melodie (1903).

  • Weinmann was one of the participants in the “Munich invasion” of Göttingen, along with Johannes Daubert, Adolf Reinach and Alfred Schwenninger.  This is his dissertation, which was written under Theodor Lipps.

Alfred von Sybel – “Zu Schelers Ethik,” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (1925), pp.216-232.

Maximilian Beck – “Die Neue Problemlage der Erkenntnistheorie,” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 6 (1928), pp.611-639

Franz Josef Brecht – (Review) “A. Pfänder, Logik,” Kant-Studien 38 (1933), p.223

Gustav Shpet – “Consciousness and its Owner,” From the participants in G.I. Chelpanov’s seminars in Kiev and Moscow 1891-1916: Articles on Philosophy and Psychology (1916), pp.115-210.

  • This piece (uploaded here in the original Russian) is not included in Thomas Nemeth’s translation of Shpet’s Appearance and Sense (1914/1991), but he informs us that an English translation of this essay is in the works!

Reading Room Update – Works by Edith Stein, Hans Lipps, and Richard Vollmer

Now in the Reading Room you find find copies of the dissertations of Edith Stein and Richard Vollmer, as well as an essay by Hans Lipps.

While Waltraut Stein’s English translation of On the Problem of Empathy is easy to access, the German version can be a bit harder to find.  This being the case, I have posted Zur Problem der Einfuehlung (1917) on this site.
For those interested in the non-extant first section of Stein’s dissertation, you may want to read Karl Schuhmann‘s essay “Husserls Exzerpt aus der Staatsexamensarbeit von Edith Stein,” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 53 (1991), pp.686-699.

Sadly, the copy of Richard Vollmer’s dissertation, Beitraege zur Kritik der phaenomenologischen Methode (1929), is incomplete.  The physical copy of this text was in such poor condition, I was not able to reproduce the entire text.  You will find only the first 39 pages on our site.
Vollmer’s dissertation was written under the supervision of Paul Ferdinand Linke and Bruno Bauch, and is dedicated to Leonard Nelson.  You can find a brief write up about Nelson, Aus dem Schatzkästlein des Husserl-Archivs: Ein bisher unbekanntes Porträt von Edmund Husserl, by Peter Andras Varga here.

Finally, I have included Das Ding und seine Eigenschaften (1927) by Hans Lipps.  This is the first essay included in critical edition of H. Lipps’ Werke – Volume I: Untersuchungen zur Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis.