From the Schuhmann Files – Exzerpt aus Daubertania A I 3

Now in our Reading Room, you will find a copy of Karl Schuhmann‘s transcription of a number of pages from Daubertania A I 3 – Mappe zur Phänomenologie der Evidenz.  This signature contains the notes for an essay Zur Phänomenologie der Evidenz which was to appear in the Festschrift for Alexander Pfänder‘s 60th birthday, along with a number of other excerpts (on each of Edmund Husserl, Aron Gurwitsch, Roman Ingarden, Theodor Celms, Aurel Kolnai, and Philipp Schwarz).

Included here are selections by Daubert on Husserl.  The ordering of the passages here does not match the order of the pages found in A I 3.

For more on this, see Karl Schuhmann and Barry Smith’s article, Against Idealism: Johannes Daubert vs. Husserl’s Ideas I.