Reading Room Update – Works by Edith Stein, Hans Lipps, and Richard Vollmer

Now in the Reading Room you find find copies of the dissertations of Edith Stein and Richard Vollmer, as well as an essay by Hans Lipps.

While Waltraut Stein’s English translation of On the Problem of Empathy is easy to access, the German version can be a bit harder to find.  This being the case, I have posted Zur Problem der Einfuehlung (1917) on this site.
For those interested in the non-extant first section of Stein’s dissertation, you may want to read Karl Schuhmann‘s essay “Husserls Exzerpt aus der Staatsexamensarbeit von Edith Stein,” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 53 (1991), pp.686-699.

Sadly, the copy of Richard Vollmer’s dissertation, Beitraege zur Kritik der phaenomenologischen Methode (1929), is incomplete.  The physical copy of this text was in such poor condition, I was not able to reproduce the entire text.  You will find only the first 39 pages on our site.
Vollmer’s dissertation was written under the supervision of Paul Ferdinand Linke and Bruno Bauch, and is dedicated to Leonard Nelson.  You can find a brief write up about Nelson, Aus dem Schatzkästlein des Husserl-Archivs: Ein bisher unbekanntes Porträt von Edmund Husserl, by Peter Andras Varga here.

Finally, I have included Das Ding und seine Eigenschaften (1927) by Hans Lipps.  This is the first essay included in critical edition of H. Lipps’ Werke – Volume I: Untersuchungen zur Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis.

From the Schuhmann Files – Alexander Pfänder Psychologische Vorträge (1895-1900)

Now in the Reading Room you can find a series of lectures which Alexander Pfänder presented to the Psychological Association in Munich between 1895 and 1899, and an additional lecture given in completion of his Habilitation.  These 7 lectures have been edited with an introduction by Karl Schuhmann.

The text, Alexander Pfänder Psychologische Vorträge (1895-1900), is organized as follows:

Einleitung des Herausgebers, s.1-3
Empfindung und Bewusstseinsinhalte als Gegenstand der Psychologie (29/V/1895), s.4-18
Theorie der Gefühle (16/XI/1895), s.19-28
Wollen und Überlegung (WS 1896/97), s.29-39
Zur Theorie der Aufmerksamkeit (12/XI/1897), s.40-51
Das Beachten (08/VII/1898), s.52-64
Wollen und Befriedigung (WS 1898/99), s.65-77
Das Bewusstsein und seine Inhalte (1899/1900), s.78-90

From the Schuhmann Files – Exzerpt aus Daubertania A I 3

Now in our Reading Room, you will find a copy of Karl Schuhmann‘s transcription of a number of pages from Daubertania A I 3 – Mappe zur Phänomenologie der Evidenz.  This signature contains the notes for an essay Zur Phänomenologie der Evidenz which was to appear in the Festschrift for Alexander Pfänder‘s 60th birthday, along with a number of other excerpts (on each of Edmund Husserl, Aron Gurwitsch, Roman Ingarden, Theodor Celms, Aurel Kolnai, and Philipp Schwarz).

Included here are selections by Daubert on Husserl.  The ordering of the passages here does not match the order of the pages found in A I 3.

For more on this, see Karl Schuhmann and Barry Smith’s article, Against Idealism: Johannes Daubert vs. Husserl’s Ideas I.

From the Schuhmann Files – Daubert- and Reinach-Chronik

The newest additions to the Reading Room come courtesy of the late Karl Schuhmann: the Daubert-Chronik and the Reinach-Chronik.
Those familiar with the Husserl-Chronik will know the value of these documents.  These documents were provided to NASEP by Barry Smith with the express wish that Schuhmann’s work would be used by scholars to further their research.  We hope that you find them useful.
So head to the Reading Room and check them out!

*Note: A version of the Daubert-Chronik is also published in Karl Schuhmann: Selected Papers on Phenomenology (2004).