Reading Room Update – Migration plans and Ernst von Aster

NASEP is pleased to announce that we are now beginning to migrate the contents of our Reading Room to the Open Commons of Phenomenology platform (along with the NASEP blog itself). We want to thank all of our users for supporting and promoting the contents of our Reading Room, and we look forward to expanding our collection during the migration process.

As we make our move, we will be updating you on new additions to the Reading Room as we have in the past. We apologize that new material has been slow to appear over the past few months.

The first set of writings to move over to the OPhen platform are those of Ernst von Aster. More items will be added to von Aster’s bibliography as we receive them.

Ernst von Aster was born in Berlin on 18 February 1880. In the summer semester of 1898, von Aster began his university education in Berlin studying mathematics, natural science, and philosophy. He later moved to the University of Munich where he studied under Hans Cornelius and Theodor Lipps, and was an active member of the Psychologische Verein. He completed his dissertation with Lipps on 25 May 1902. The dissertation, Über Aufgabe und Methode in den Beweisen der Analogien der Erfahrung in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, was published in the Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie in 1903. Von Aster remained in Munich to write his Habilitation thesis, Untersuchungen über den logischen Gehalt des Kausalgesetzes, which he completed on 24 July, 1905.

In the summer semester of 1906, von Aster began teaching at the rank of Privatdozent in Munich (his first courses were Grundzüge der Ethik and Über Wesen und Aufgabe des psychologischen Experiments und der psychologischen Beobachtung). Sometime in August 1912, he was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Philosophy (though the university course calendar does not reflect this change in status until summer semester 1913). He remained in Munich until WS 1920/21, at which point he became the successor of Hermann Siebeck as the chair of Philosophy and Pedagogy at the University of Giessen.

After the National Socialist party came to power in 1933, von Aster lost his chair at Giessen for being a Social Democrat, and fled to Sweden. In 1936, von Aster was appointed full Professor at the University of Istanbul. Edmund Husserl wrote a letter of recommendation on his behalf. Von Aster died in Stockholm on 22 October, 1948.

Prof. von Aster (bottom left).

                     Prof. von Aster (bottom left).

For more information on Ernst von Aster, see:

  • Hans Michael Baumgartner. 1981. Unbeirrbarkeit und Würde der Philosophie. Zum Gedächtnis des 100. Geburtstages von Ernst von Aster. Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 35:2, 259-263.
  • Regine Mader. 1981. Bibliographie Ernst von Aster (1880-1948). Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 35:2, 263-267

Reading Room update – Schapp, Driesch, and Salmon

Now in the Reading Room you will find Wilhelm Schapp’s dissertation Beiträge zur Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung (1910), Hans Driesch’s essay Die Phänomenologie und ihre Vieldeutigkeit (1931), and Christopher Verney Salmon’s “The Starting Point of Husserl’s Phenomenology,” from the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol. 30, (1929 – 1930), pp. 55-78.
We hope that you find these items useful for your research.

In addition, we would also like to share with you the Lebenslauf of Else Voigtländer, from her 1910 dissertation, Uber die Typen des Selbstgefuhls.  Below is a rough translation of the text, and an image of the original.

I, Else Voigtländer, was born in Kreuznach on the Nahe on 14 April, 1882 – the daughter of publisher and book dealer R. Voigtländer.  After my parents moved to Leipzig, I attended the private school for girls of Mathilde Büttner in Leipzig-Gohlis from the fall of 1888 to the fall of 1895, and then that of Marie Bauer in Leipzig from the fall of 1895 to Easter 1898.  From Easter 1899 to the fall of 1903, I attended high school courses for women in Leipzig, and in the fall of 1903 I received my diploma from the Neustädter Gymnasium in Dresden.  After I had busied myself with learning several sciences in Leipzig, I turned to the study of psychology and philosophy.  From Easter 1905 I studied in Munich, especially under the direction of Professor Lipps and later under that of Professor Pfänder.  On 19 November 1909, I had my oral examination in Munich.

Voigtlaender Lebenslauf

Wilhelm Schapp – Lebenslauf

Soon we will be adding Wilhelm Schapp’s dissertation, Beiträge zur Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung (1910), to our Reading Room.  However, I noticed that in the reprint edition Schapp’s Lebenslauf has been omitted from the back matter.  [The date of his oral exam, 16 June, 1909, is also omitted from the front matter.]  Luckily, I have found a copy of the original publication, and have decided to translate the Lebenslauf for everyone to enjoy. An image of the original is also attached.

Schapp writes as follows:

I, Wilhelm Albert Johann Schapp, was born on October 15th,  1884, in Timmel, East Frisia.  I attended high school first in Leer and later in Wilhemshaven.  During Easter of 1902 I entered the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, where I remained for three semesters.  Here, alongside lectures on law and national economics, I heard the lectures of Professors Rickert and Cohn.  Then I went to Berlin where, alongside lectures on law and economics, I attended the lectures of Professors Dilthey, Stumpf and Simmel.  In October 1904 I passed the first bar exam at the Kammergericht in Berlin.  As a visiting student I
attended the lectures of Professors Husserl, G.E. Müller and Cohn in Göttingen for about five semesters, and also took part in their seminars.  After that I went to Munich as a visiting student for two semesters, where I attended the lectures of Privatdozents Geiger and Scheler, and participated in the seminars of Professors Lipps and Pfänder.
I wish to express my most sincere thanks to all of my distinguished teachers, but especially Professor Husserl, to whom I am indebted for his generous and enduring support, and under whose influence all my philosophical thinking stands.

W Schapp Lebenslauf

CFP – NASEP 2014, Boston College

We are very pleased to announce the next annual conference of the North American Society for Early Phenomenology, titled:

Early Influences of Phenomenology: Neo-Kantianism, American Pragmatism, Experimental Psychology, et al.

Location: Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA

Dates: April 4-6, 2014

Invited Speakers:

Daniel Dahlstrom (Boston University)
Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)
Ullrich Melle (Husserl Archives, KU Leuven)
Andrea Staiti (Boston College)
Fiorenza Toccafondi (University of Parma)
Dan Zahavi (Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen)

Call for abstracts

The purpose of this conference is to expound upon the historical and philosophical relationships between early phenomenology and its contemporaneous philosophical movements, particularly Neo-Kantianism, American Pragmatism, Experimental Psychology, Lebensphilosophie, British Idealism, and French Spiritualism.  Papers should focus on reviving the philosophical dialogue between specific figures by drawing concrete historical connections.  This will help to give a better picture of the influences that early phenomenology drew upon, and the influence it had on philosophers outside the phenomenological movement.  We encourage papers that focus on the relationships between members of the Göttingen and Munich phenomenological circles, including Husserl, and thinkers such as Hermann Lotze, Paul Natorp, Heinrich Rickert, Wilhelm Windelband, Nicolai Hartmann, Joseph Geyser, Emil Lask, Georgii Chelpanov, Boris Jakovenko, Nikolai Lossky, Leon Brunschvicg, Henri Bergson, Victor Delbos, Georges Gurvitch, Charles Serrus, Maurice Pradines, Paul F. Linke, Theodor Lipps, Oswald Külpe, August Messer, David Katz, Johannes Volkelt, Wilhelm Dilthey, Bernard Groethuysen, Georg Misch, Bernard Bosanquet, George Dawes Hicks, WR Boyce Gibson, Josiah Royce, William James, Charles Sanders Peirce, William Ernest Hocking, Sidney Hook, and Ralph Barton Perry.

Abstracts should be 500-700 words.  Please append a short bibliography of primary and secondary sources.  All abstracts must be prepared for blind review and sent via email in .doc or .docx format to Dr. Rodney K.B. Parker (

Both senior researchers and graduate students are encouraged to submit.

Please note that NASEP is not able to subsidize travel and accommodation costs for presenters.

Deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2013.

This event is sponsored in part by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada

A .pdf of the CFP can be found here.  Please distribute widely.

Reading Room Update – Lipps-Festschrift

In this update, we are sharing with you the Festschrift for Theodor Lipps in celebration of his 60th birthday: Münchener Philosophische Abhandlungen. Theodor Lipps zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von früheren Schülern, Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1911 (commonly referred to as simply Lipps-Festschrift).  Some of the essays from the Lipps-Festschrift were already available in the Reading Room, but now we have the complete collection.

Alexander PfänderVorwort, pp.iii-iv

Ernst von AsterNeukantianismus und Hegelianismus, pp.1-2

Alfred BrunswigDie Frage nach dem Grunde des sittlichen Sollens, pp. 26-50

Theodor ConradÜber Wahrnehmung und Vorstellung, pp.51-76

Max EttlingerZur Entwicklung der Raumanschauung bei Mensch und Tier, pp.77-99

Aloys FischerÄsthetik und Kunstwissenschaft, pp.100-124

Moritz GeigerDas Bewusstsein von Gefühlen, pp.125-162

Alexander PfänderMotive und Motivation, pp.163-195

Adolf ReinachZur Theorie des negativen Urteils, pp.196-254

Otto SelzExistenz als Gegenstandsbestimmtheit, pp.255-293

Else VoigtländerÜber die Bedeutung Freuds für die Psychologie, pp.294-316

Johannes Daubert had started to write an essay to be included in this volume, but was unable to finish it before the volume was published. For some insight into Daubert’s unfinished essay, see Karl Schuhmann and Barry Smith, “Against Idealism: Johannes Daubert vs. Husserl’s Ideas I and Karl Schuhmann, “Johannes Dauberts Kritik der ‘Theorie des negativen Urteils’ von Adolf Reinach,” in Speech Act and Sachverhalt (1987), pp.227-238.

CFP – Describing and Exploring Early Phenomenology, NASEP 2013

The North American Society for Early Phenomenology announces their 2nd Annual Conference, Describing and Exploring Early Phenomenology, to be held at King’s University College, Western University, 12-14 June, 2013.

Keynote Speaker: Lester Embree

NASEP invites all scholars to submit abstracts on any aspect of early phenomenology. This includes all philosophical investigations into the members of the Munich and Göttingen circles, their place within the early period of phenomenology (roughly 1900-1939), their relationship to other philosophers, and their contributions to the development of early phenomenology.  The aim of this conference is to investigate the works of early phenomenologists across a broad range of topics, including ethics, mathematics, logic, aesthetics, politics, epistemology, ontology, psychology, etc.  Figures covered include, but are not limited to: Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, Moritz Geiger, Alexander Pfänder, Adolf Reinach, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Conrad, Johannes Daubert, Dietrich Mahnke, Hans Lipps, Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Wilhelm Schapp, Edith Stein, Alexandre Koyré, Jean Hering, Winthrop Bell, Maximilian Beck, Roman Ingarden, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Fritz Kaufmann, Theodor Celms, Aron Gurwitsch, Gustav Shpet, Gerda Walther, Wolfgang Köhler, Dorion Cairns, and Eugen Fink.  We also welcome papers on the relationship between early phenomenology and the School of Brentano, Hermann Lotze, Theodor Lipps, the American Pragmatists, and the Neo-Kantians.

Senior researchers and graduate students both are welcome to submit proposals. Graduate students should indicate their status in the email with their submission. Abstracts should be prepared for blind review, and should not exceed 300 words.

Deadline for submissions: March 1st, 2013.

Please send submissions and inquiries to:
Dr. Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray

Downloadable/printable PDF poster for distributing, click here:  NASEP2013CFP