CFP – NASEP 2014, Boston College

We are very pleased to announce the next annual conference of the North American Society for Early Phenomenology, titled:

Early Influences of Phenomenology: Neo-Kantianism, American Pragmatism, Experimental Psychology, et al.

Location: Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA

Dates: April 4-6, 2014

Invited Speakers:

Daniel Dahlstrom (Boston University)
Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)
Ullrich Melle (Husserl Archives, KU Leuven)
Andrea Staiti (Boston College)
Fiorenza Toccafondi (University of Parma)
Dan Zahavi (Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen)

Call for abstracts

The purpose of this conference is to expound upon the historical and philosophical relationships between early phenomenology and its contemporaneous philosophical movements, particularly Neo-Kantianism, American Pragmatism, Experimental Psychology, Lebensphilosophie, British Idealism, and French Spiritualism.  Papers should focus on reviving the philosophical dialogue between specific figures by drawing concrete historical connections.  This will help to give a better picture of the influences that early phenomenology drew upon, and the influence it had on philosophers outside the phenomenological movement.  We encourage papers that focus on the relationships between members of the Göttingen and Munich phenomenological circles, including Husserl, and thinkers such as Hermann Lotze, Paul Natorp, Heinrich Rickert, Wilhelm Windelband, Nicolai Hartmann, Joseph Geyser, Emil Lask, Georgii Chelpanov, Boris Jakovenko, Nikolai Lossky, Leon Brunschvicg, Henri Bergson, Victor Delbos, Georges Gurvitch, Charles Serrus, Maurice Pradines, Paul F. Linke, Theodor Lipps, Oswald Külpe, August Messer, David Katz, Johannes Volkelt, Wilhelm Dilthey, Bernard Groethuysen, Georg Misch, Bernard Bosanquet, George Dawes Hicks, WR Boyce Gibson, Josiah Royce, William James, Charles Sanders Peirce, William Ernest Hocking, Sidney Hook, and Ralph Barton Perry.

Abstracts should be 500-700 words.  Please append a short bibliography of primary and secondary sources.  All abstracts must be prepared for blind review and sent via email in .doc or .docx format to Dr. Rodney K.B. Parker (

Both senior researchers and graduate students are encouraged to submit.

Please note that NASEP is not able to subsidize travel and accommodation costs for presenters.

Deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2013.

This event is sponsored in part by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada

A .pdf of the CFP can be found here.  Please distribute widely.

Reading Room Update – The Husserl-Festschrift and Masaryk-Festschrift

Now in the Reading Room you will find the articles from the JPPF Husserl-Festschrift – Festschrift E. Husserl zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  Ergänzungsband zum Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung (1929).
Here is a list of the contents:

Hermann Ammann, Zum deutschen Impersonale, pp.1-25

Oskar Becker, Von der Hinfälligkeit des Schönen und der Abenteuerlichkeit des Künstlers, pp.27-52

Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss, Das Verstehen des sprachlichen Kunstwerks.  Ein Streifzug durch Grundfragen der verstehenden Wissenschaften, pp.53-69

Martin Heidegger, Vom Wesen des Grundes (omitted)

Gerhart Husserl, Recht und Welt, pp.111-158

Roman Ingarden, Bemerkungen zum Problem “Idealismus-Realismus”, pp.159-190

Fritz Kaufmann, Die Bedeutung der künstlerischen Stimmung (Erster Teil), pp.191-223

Alexandre Koyré (Übersetzt von Hedwig Conrad-Martius), Die Gotteslehre Jakob Boehmes, pp.225-281

Hans Lipps, Das Urteil, pp.283-296

Friedrich Neumann, Die Sinneinheit des Satzes und das indogermanische Verbum, pp.297-314

Edith Stein, Husserls Phänomenologie und die Philosophie des heiligen Thomas v. Aquino. Versuch einer Gegenüberstellung, pp.315-338.

Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Farben. Ein Kapitel aus der Realontologie, pp.339-370

Please go to the Reading Room to download the individual files.

In addition, we have also uploaded the first volume of the Masaryk-Festschrift – Festschrift Th. G. Masaryk zum 80. Geburtstage, Erster Teil.  Ergänzungsband zur Zeitschrift Der russische Gedanke (1930).
Here is a list of the contents of this volume (note that I have altered the transliteration of Russian names in accordance with common English renderings):

Antonio Aliotta, Dell’ esperimento scientifico e di quello metafisico, pp.1-15

Leon Brunschvicg, Politique et philosophie, pp.17-23

Sergei Bulgakov, Was ist das Wort?, pp.25-70

Benedetto Croce, La grazia e il libero arbitrio, pp.71-73

Hugo Fischer, Der Realismus und das Europäertum (In Beziehung auf die Gedankenwelt und Weltanschauung Masaryks), pp. 75-106

Sergei Hessen, Der Zusammenbruch des Utopismus, pp.107-120

Sydney E. Hooper, Man and Philosophy, pp.121-124

Boris Jakovenko, Die Philosophie in ihrem Verhältnisse zu denanderen Hauptgebieten der Kultur, pp.125- 150

Wladyslaw Mieczyslaw Kozlowski, L’idee de l’homogeneite de la science et les types des sciences, pp.151-172

Oskar Kraus, Zur Frage nach dem “Sinne der Geschichte”, pp.173-177

Ivan Lapschin, Die Metaphsik Leo Tolstois, pp.179-202

Nikolai Lossky, Die Lehre Vladimir Solovyovs von der Evolution, pp.203-208

Piero Marinetti, L’intelletto e la conoscenza noumenica in Kant, pp. 209-216.

Dimitri Michaltschew, Der Zufall als Bestandteil der Wirklichkeit, pp.217-223

Pavel Milyukov, Eurasianism and Europeanism in Russian History, pp.225-236

Branislav Petronijevic, Ueber das Wesen der mathematischen Induktion, pp.237-239

Emanuel Radl, Natur und Geschichte, pp.241-264

Dimitri Tschizewsky, “Uebermensch”,  “übermenschlich” (Zur Geschichte dieser Worte und Begriffe), pp.265-269

This volume has been uploaded as a single file, which you can download by clicking here: Masaryk-Festschrift, Erster Teil.
Unfortunately, we do not yet have a copy of the second volume of the Masaryk-Festscrift.  However, we do have an image of the table of contents if you are interested.
Masaryk Festschrift, Teil 2 Inhalt








Husserl had started to write a piece to be included in the volume, but it was not completed in time for publication.  You can now find it under the title “Über Urspung” in Hua XXVII, p. 129-142)

Husserl - Ueber Ursprung