CFP – Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology


Women Phenomenologists


Social Ontology

February 11-13th 2016
University of Paderborn, Germany



Contrary to many movements in the history of philosophy, the “Phenomenological Movement” has from its beginnings included numerous female philosophers. They contributed substantially to the phenomenological project by developing outstanding philosophical accounts and addressing problems, which remain relevant until today. Phenomenology’s exceptionally modern outlook, not to let oneself be influenced by traditional authorities, but rather to only receive guidance from ”the things themselves”, allowed its female proponents to achieve a position in the academic world few women could enjoy at the time. From today’s perspective, the most noteworthy issues that some of the prominent female phenomenologists elaborated on fall under the scope of what one would today label social ontology and political philosophy.

The conference will investigate specifically the contribution of women phenomenologists in this field. The programme focuses on, but is not restricted to, the following philosophers: Hannah Arendt, Luce Irigaray, Edith Stein, Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Gerda Walther.

For full and up-to-date information, please visit the official conference website regularly.

The list of invited speakers includes:

Prof. Dr. Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir
University of Iceland/University of Helsinki, Finland

Prof. Dr. Ronny Miron
Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Prof. Dr. Antonio Calcagno
Western University, Canada

Prof. Dr. Hans Bernhard Schmid
University of Wien, Austria

Prof. Dr. Julia Jansen
KU Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Dr. Sara Heinämaa
University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Luft
Marquette University, USA/University of Paderborn, Germany

Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
University of Paderborn, Germany

Dr. Michela Summa
University of Würzburg, Germany

Dr. Alessandro Salice
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Thomas Szanto
University of Wien, Austria

Dr. Anna Varga-Jani
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary


Presentations by invited speakers will take place on February 11th and 12th. To register, please send an e-mail to Julia Mühl The registration fee of 10 € will be collected upon arrival. It will be also possible to make reservations for the conference dinner (February 11th) for 40€. The event will be followed by a graduate and post-graduate student conference on “Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology,” February 13th 2016 at the University of Paderborn.

Call for Papers

Submission guidelines:

Presentation of the papers should take a maximum of 30 minutes and will be followed by a general discussion (15 min). Proposal for papers should include the speaker’s name and institutional affiliation, title and an abstract (up to 300 words). The conference language is English.
The submission deadline is November 1st 2015.

Notification of paper acceptance will be given by December 15th 2015.
The best paper by a graduate/post-graduate student will be awarded a prize of 100 €.
Download as PDF: Link


In case of any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Dr. Maria Robaszkiewicz,
Julia Mühl,

Conference organizers:

Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber & Prof. Dr. Sebastian Luft

NYPPP 2016 – Phenomenology of Emotions: Systematic and Historical Perspectives

The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (2016)

Invites submissions on the following topic: 

Phenomenology of Emotions:
Systematic and Historical Perspectives

Guest Editors: Rodney K.B. Parker & Ignacio Quepons

The emotions (Gefühlen, Stimmungen) have been a topic of phenomenological analysis since the beginning of the phenomenological movement.  In recent years there has been a general turn toward a serious reconsideration of emotional experience in philosophy and in the social and cognitive sciences.  This has led to an increased interest in the phenomenological descriptions of emotion developed by Edmund Husserl and his early followers, and how their work might shed light on current problems and debates.

We welcome submissions on systematic and historical aspects of the phenomenology of emotions, with emphasis on Husserl and the early reception of his work on emotion; current developments in phenomenology of emotions; valuing and action in transcendental phenomenology; and the historical antecedents of the problem of the intentionality of emotions within phenomenological research. The writings of Franz Brentano, Edmund Husserl, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Lipps, Moritz Geiger, Alexander Pfänder, Max Scheler, Maximilian Beck, Else Voigtländer, Margarete Calinich, Aurel Kolnai and Stephan Strasser, among others, are of particular interest. We are open to receive contributions on the topic of intentionality of emotions in other philosophical traditions if the paper emphasizes, compares or criticizes an important aspect of the phenomenological account of emotions.

Articles can be no longer than 75.000 characters, including spaces and footnotes. All submissions should be prepared for blind review, and sent to by 30 December, 2015.

Confirmed invited contributors:

Anthony Steinbock Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Antonio Zirión Q. National and Autonomous University of Mexico
Ingrid Vendrell Ferran University of Marburg
Mariano Crespo University of Navarra
John Drummond  Fordham University
Panos Theodorou University of Crete

Summer School of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage

hosts the 3rd Annual



 VENICE, JULY 07-10, 2015

The Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University Venice (Italy) is pleased to host the third edition of the SSPPP (Summer School of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy), 07-10.7.2015.

Seminars will be led by:

  • Patrice Canivez (University of Lille)
  • Daniele de Santis (Seattle University)
  • Nicolas de Warren (Husserl Archives at KU Leuven)
  • Matteo Giannasi  (Ca’ Foscari University Venice)
  • Burt Hopkins (Seattle University)
  • Edouard Jolly (University of Leuven)
  • Claudio Majolino (University of Lille)
  • Darian Meacham (University of the West of England)
  • Gianluigi Paltrinieri (Ca’ Foscari University Venice)
  • Emiliano Trizio (Seattle University)

SSPPP Program  |  Abstracts  |  Faculty Info


The relation between phenomenology and political philosophy can be ranged among the least investigated themes of the phenomenological tradition, to the point that it is legitimate to claim that the potentialities of this field of study have barely begun to be explored. The reasons for this widespread and persistent forgetfulness are often deemed to be rooted in the history of phenomenology itself, which has been marked by the predominance of foundational issues revolving chiefly around the theory of knowledge (Husserl) and the problem of being (Heidegger). Indeed, although a number of prominent authors belonging to this tradition have produced a considerable amount of work on social and political philosophy, and have, for better or worse, actively participated to the political life of their time, it is not always clear to what extent their contribution to the reflection on social and political issues stems from their phenomenological outlook, rather than being just juxtaposed to it. This is true both of Heidegger’s tragic proximity to Nazism, and of the Marxist creed predominant among some post-war phenomenologists. Subsequently, the so-called end of ideologies and the predominance of an apolitical academic style of philosophy have widened the gulf between a highly technical discipline such as phenomenology and the reflection on the surrounding political and social context. Ethical and broadly existential issues have thus replaced the strongly political and practical concerns of authors such as Jean-Paul Sartre in France, Enzo Paci in Italy or Ludwig Landgrebe in Germany, to name a few. Yet, more recently, a number of works has renewed the interest in the way in which phenomenology can give a valuable contribution to issues fundamental to political philosophy: intersubjectivity, life-world, the constitution of social and cultural objects, the concepts of state and democracy, power, authority and technology, the reflection on the meaning of history and on the philosophical idea of Europe. Consequently, it has now become possible to highlight an underlying political motive that permeates 20th Century phenomenology since its inception (from Husserl to Patočka, from Heidegger to Arendt), reassess the judgments of its most prominent critiques (from the Frankfurt School to various post-modern appraisals) and, further, to pave the way to new original phenomenological investigations in this area, as well as to a confrontation with other major trends in political philosophy.

No previous background in phenomenology is required. On the final day of the seminar, advanced students will be encouraged to give a personal contribution to the School’s activities.

Language: English

The number of attendants being limited, a selection will take place among aspirant students. Applicants are kindly requested to send a CV and a sample of writing (optional) to

Deadline for application: May 23, 2015 (Late applicants will be shortlisted and contacted on the basis of the number of attendants).

Notification of acceptance: May 24, 2015

The event is organized and sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University Venice.

Participation fee: 100 euro (50 for Ca’ Foscari students).

Reading Room update – commentaries by Schuppe and Geyser

Now available in the Reading Room:

Call for Abstracts – Hermeneia International Symposium

Call for Abstracts


Metaphysics and the Linguistic Turn

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Florianópolis-SC, Brazil

August 17-19th, 2015

What is the kind of language suited to phenomenological description? Is this language able to avoid aporias that come from classical metaphysics? Or is every language essentially metaphysical? These questions have received different approaches, many of them with relevant repercussions for contemporary philosophy. Reflections on language are central whatever the work we consider in Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. Martin Heidegger’s fundamental ontology tries to reach a primordial way of thinking by forging a vocabulary that presents the phenomena as such, while uncovering the originary meaning of fundamental concepts by means of a destruction of the metaphysical tradition. After the Kehre, Heidegger underlines the “originary words” that founded philosophy, such as logos, moira, physis, and so on, in order to reveal the “unthought” (das Ungedachte) of metaphysics, and to prepare the thinking of another beginning. Unlike Heidegger, who traces metaphysics back to a genealogy in which it becomes consolidated, Hans-Georg Gadamer rejects the very idea of a “language of metaphysics,” and proposes instead the dialogue as the medium in which metaphysical assumptions may be revealed and confronted. Conversely, Jacques Derrida accuses Heidegger of not being able to overcome metaphysics, whereas the onto-theology of latter remains within the metaphysics of presence – logocentric and phonocentric. With this on mind, Derrida approaches the aporia of metaphysics through terms as trace, iterability, dissemination, difference, and non-presence. Paul Ricoeur’s discussion on the symbolic character on language and the correspondent idea of a surplus of meaning shades new lights on language and metaphysics, while Emmanuel Levinas identifies the surplus with the metaphysics itself, as the very condition of possibility of ethics.

We welcome submissions on the relation between metaphysics and the linguistic turn achieved by contemporary phenomenology and hermeneutics.  Themes to consider are:

a)    Human Sciences and Metaphysics
b)    Ethics, Politics, and Language
c)    Hermeneutics and Deconstruction
d)    Poetry, Art, and Metaphysics
e)    Metaphysics, Historicity, and Temporality
f)     The Language of Metaphysics


Scholars interested in presenting a paper are invited to submit an electronic abstract that fits in one of the themes of the thematic axes mentioned (named “Abstract,” format: doc or rtf, with the following information: paper title, thematic axis in which the paper is included, abstract between 400 and 500 words in Times New Roman typeface size 12, interspaced 1.5, justified paragraphs) and attach a separate title page named “Author Information” that includes the author’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address. We expect participants to have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Proposals in Portuguese, English, and Spanish can be submitted by e-mail at <>. Notification of acceptance will be available at the official page,, by April 30, 2015.

Deadline for submission: April 15, 2015


Daniel Dahlstrom (Boston University)
George Heffernan (Merrimack College)
Jean Grondin (Université de Montreal)
Jeffrey Bloechl (Boston College)
Mário Angel González Porta (PUC-SP)
Paulo Cesar Duque Estrada (PUC-RJ)
Róbson Ramos dos Reis (UFSM)
Tomás Domingo Moratalla (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

For more information, visit:


Change of Date: Pragmatism and Phenomenology workshop

Pragmatism and Phenomenology: A Two Day Workshop

Final Call for Abstracts and Open Invitation to Attend

**Change of Date**

King’s University College at Western University
London, Ontario on April 18th and 19th, 2015

In 1980, Sandra B. Rosenthal and Patrick L. Bourgoeis wrote in Pragmatism and Phenomenology: A Philosophic Encounter that “a real philosophical encounter is an occasion not for the melting down of one framework to another, but rather for two traditions to be fed in such a way as to clarify for themselves their own positions and deepen their own insights.” Their hope was that their book would permit such a recognition of difference while enlivening debate within and across the continental divide. Thirty-five years later, much work still remains to be done to bring pragmatism and phenomenology together.

This two day workshop presents an opportunity for scholars from both phenomenology and pragmatism to engage in a sustained discussion on topics relevant to both groups. Some of these topics include intentionality, the a priori, states of affairs, temporality, perception and judgment, embodiment, naturalism, psychologism, among others.

The workshop is meant to be a discussion-type format and is not meant to be a formal presentation of papers. Workshop participants will be asked to lead or co-lead discussions on a topic of their choosing with discussion material circulated in advance. In order to facilitate this process, we ask that you submit a 100 word abstract of your discussion topic and one or two main readings that will serve as recommended advance readings for the other participants. It is not expected that participants are experts in both traditions, but merely that there is an interest in both. There is enough space for 20 registrants.

Abstract and supplementary reading deadline is midnight on March 21st. Please email your submission to Aaron Massecar at

Notification of acceptance will be sent out by March 23rd. If you are interested in attending the conference but are unable to present, then please email

The workshop will take place at King’s University College at Western University in London, Ontario on April 18th and 19th from 9am to 5pm on both days. The costs of breakfast and lunch will be covered.

This workshop is presented with the support of the Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy, the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, the North American Society for Early Phenomenology, and King’s University College at Western University.

Reading Room Update – Antonio Caso and Jose Gaos

This year will be NASEP’s first visit to Mexico and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).  UNAM has a rich history of engagement with phenomenology beginning in the 1930s with the work of Antonio Caso and José Gaos.  Caso’s La filosofia de Husserl (1934), now available in our Reading Room, is the first commentary on Husserl’s phenomenology by a Mexican philosopher, and draws upon both the Prolegomena to Husserl’s Logical Investigations – which had been translated into Spanish by García Morente and Gaos in 1929 – and the French edition of the Cartesian Meditations, as well as Gaos’ Spanish translation of Theodor Celms’ Der Phaenomenologische Idealismus Husserls (1928).  Gaos left Spain for Mexico in 1939 and at that time he had translated
Brentano’s Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, Scheler’s Ressentiment, works by August Messer and Segei Hessen, and was working on a translation of Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations.  Gaos was in possession of a draft of the Cartesian Meditations given to Ortega by Husserl, but it was lost during Gaos’ move to Mexico during the Spanish Civil War.  As mentioned above, Gaos had also translated Celms’ famous critical work on Husserl.  Selections from this translation, El Idealismo fenomenológico de Husserl (1931) are also now available on our site.

For more information on the history of phenomenology in Mexico, please see Antonio Zirion’s wonderful paper, “Phenomenology in Mexico: A historical profile,” Continental Philosophy Review 33: 75–92, 2000.

NASEP 2015 at UNAM – Reminder Call for Abstracts

This is a reminder that the deadline to submit an abstract for NASEP’s upcoming conference, The Great Phenomenological Schism: Reactions to Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism, to be held at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, June 3-6th, 2015, is fast approaching.

The original deadline was set for February 20th, but has been pushed-out to Monday, February 23rd.  Abstracts should be 400-600 words, prepared for blind review, and sent via email in to Rodney Parker (

Our keynote speakers this year are:

Hanne Jacobs (Loyola University, Chicago) – “Phenomenology, Ontology, and Metaphysics”

Burt Hopkins (Seattle University) – “‘The Offensiveness of Every and All Ready-Made Givenness’: Natorp’s Critique of Husserl’s Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology

Workshop with:

Antonio Zirión (UNAM) & Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)
dealing with the Transcendental Reduction and Husserl’s Search for Concreteness

For a full look at the revised Call for Abstracts, please download the .pdf found here.

Call for Abstracts for Pragmatism and Phenomenology: A Two Day Workshop

In 1980, Sandra B. Rosenthal and Patrick L. Bourgoeis wrote in Pragmatism and Phenomenology: A Philosophic Encounter that “a real philosophical encounter is an occasion not for the melting down of one framework to another, but rather for two traditions to be fed in such a way as to clarify for themselves their own positions and deepen their own insights.” Their hope was that their book would permit such a recognition of difference while enlivening debate within and across the continental divide. Thirty-five years later, much work still remains to be done to bring pragmatism and phenomenology together.

This two day workshop presents an opportunity for scholars from both phenomenology and pragmatism to engage in a sustained discussion on topics relevant to both groups. Some of these topics include intentionality, the a priori, states of affairs, temporality, perception and judgment, embodiment, naturalism, psychologism, amongst others.

The workshop is meant to be a discussion-type format and is not meant to be a formal presentation of papers. Workshop participants will be asked to lead or co-lead discussions on a topic of their choosing with discussion material circulated in advance. In order to facilitate this process, we ask that you submit a 100 word abstract of your discussion topic and one or two main readings that will serve as advance readings for the other participants. It is not expected that participants are experts in both traditions, but merely that there is an interest in both. There is enough space for 25 registrants. Abstract and supplementary reading deadline is midnight on January 25th. Please email your submission to Aaron Massecar at Notification of acceptance will be sent out by January 28th.

The workshop will take place at King’s University College at Western University in London, Ontario on February 7th and 8th from 9am to 5pm on both days with a reception held on the first day. The costs of breakfast and lunch will be covered.

This workshop is presented with the support of the Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy, the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, the North American Society for Early Phenomenology, and King’s University College at Western University.