Reading Room Update – Theodor Lessing’s Studien zur Wertaxiomatik

Now in our Reading Room you will find a copy of Theodor Lessing’s Habilitationshrift, Studien zur Wertaxiomatik (1914). This work was originally published in three parts; two journal articles published in the Archiv fur systematische Philosophie in 1908, and a monograph, Der Bruch in der Ethik Kants: Wert- und Willenstheoretische Prolegomena (1908).
When Husserl received a draft of Lessing’s writings in 1908 (Lessing had moved from Göttingen to Hannover), he accused his former student of plagiarism.  For more information on this, see Lawrence Baron’s essay, “Discipleship and Dissent: Theodor Lessing and Edmund Husserl,” in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 127, No. 1 (1983), pp. 32-49.