Reading Room Update – Walther, Fink, and Conrad-Martius

I am very pleased to announce that in our Reading Room you can now access the following three works:

Gerda Walther‘s Ein Beitrag zur Ontologie der Sozialen Gemeinschaften (1922)

Eugen Fink‘s famous Kant-Studien essay (including a foreword by Husserl), Die phänomenologische Philosophie Edmund Husserls in der gegenwärtigen Kritik (1933)
(Note: There is an English translation of Fink’s Kant-Studien essay in, The Phenomenology of Husserl: Selected Critical Readings, ed. R.O.Elveton (1970), and that already in our Reading Room you can find Friedrich Kreis‘ Phänomenologie und Kritizismus, which Fink is responding to in his essay.)

Hedwig Conrad-Martius‘ Realontologie (1923)


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