Reading Room Update – Conrad, Hofmann, Leyendecker and more

We are very pleased to post the following new items to our Reading Room:

Maximilian Beck, “(Review) Philosophie der Lebensziele by Alexander Pfaender,” The Philosophical Review, 60:1 (1951), pp. 124-127.

Albert R. Chandler, “Professor Husserl’s Program of Philosophic Reform,” The Philosophical Review, 26:6 (1917), pp. 634-648.

Theodor Conrad, Über Wahrnehmung und Vorstellung (1911).

Victor Delbos, “Husserl: Sa critique du psychologisme et sa conception d’une Logique pure,” Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, 19:5 (1911), pp. 685-698.

Heinrich Hofmann, Untersuchungen ueber den Empfindungsdebriff (1912).

Two pieces by Edmund Husserl: Meditations Cartesiennes (1950 French edition), and “Diskussion zum Vortrag von [Heinrich] Maier – Philosophie und Psychologie, Bericht über den VI Kongress fur experimentelle Psychologie, pp. 144-146 (1914)

Herbert Leyendecker, Zur phaenomenologie der Täuschungen (1913).  Our copy happens to be from the personal library of Winthrop Bell!

Leonard Nelson, Ueber das sogennante Erkenntnisproblem (1908)

Two pieces by Hendrik Pos: Le Langage et le Vecu and Phenomenologie et Linguistique.

As always, we hope that these items prove useful to your research.