The North American Society for Early Phenomenology is dedicated to the study and advancement of the figures and ideas that comprised the early phenomenological movement from roughly 1900-39. This encompasses the members of the Munich and Göttingen circles working under Theodor Lipps and Edmund Husserl, and their students. Our interest is in tracing the influence of the figures in the early phenomenological movement on subsequent thinkers, their contributions to the development of phenomenology, determining their place within the early period of phenomenology, and their relationship to other philosophical traditions. This also includes the study of figures who had a direct influence on the early phenomenological movement, such as Franz Brentano and Hermann Lotze.
NASEP began in 2010, and had three unofficial gatherings in Baltimore, Montreal, and Steubenville, before holding their first official annual conference in Toronto in 2012. For a list of all of our past annual conferences, click here.
While our organization is primarily based in North America, we welcome members from around the globe.
Our annual conferences are hosted by members in Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
Current NASEP Executive:
Dr. Rodney Parker
Dr. Charlene Elsby
Dr. Robert Luzecky
Dr. Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray